Portfolio Analysis

Part 1

Video 1:
A) The photographer is Travis Haughton.
B) The focus of this portfolio is to show athletes playing their sports and having a few random people going through everyday life. 
C) Back of the head dominating the photo, one of the photos needed a caption to help explain the photo, missing the point of the photo. 
D) Photos don't looked staged and there is depth to their photo. 
E) I think the photographer is a better sports photographer than an everyday photographer. Some of his everyday photos were so random in the fact that he completely missed to point of the photo, but besides that I think he has the right idea of what he wants to take he just needs to do a better job of executing the photos. 

Video 2: 
A) The photographer is Josh Birnbaum.
B) I think the main focus of this portfolio was to get as many good photos of what ever he could but towards the end it took a turn by just focusing on the story of one guy. 
C) Missed an opportunity to get a great picture but instead got a bad picture, some of the photos are dead and boring, didn't like that he put in two arrest photos. 
D) Liked that he got right into the action to get the photo and got the details perfect in one of the story photos. 
E) I think the photographer has an interesting taste of what he likes to take pictures of. He took some very random photos that looked cool but either the quality was bad or he had a terrible background. I think he did a very good job taking the story photos of the wheelchair guy because the photographer made his story come to life. 

Video 3: 
A) The photographer is Sam Adams. 
B) I think the focus of this portfolio is to capture everyday life and a bike story. Most of his everyday life pictures were very boring and basically had no point to it. 
C) Had an entire persons head in the foreground, had the kids moving around in the first picture story,  and had extra people that he didn't need to have in the photo. 
D) Had a really good soccer photo that was completely in focus, 
E) I think this photographer had decent photography skills but the photos he was capturing were boring and had nothing going on. His picture story had the right idea but they were just poorly executed photos. 

Video 4: 
A) The photographer is Justin Mott. 
B) The focus of this portfolio was to capture a story in every single photo that they took. You can tell that something happened in every photo because he used horrific situations to grad the viewers eye. 
C) Photo need to be more in focus, photo was using leading lines but it lead to nothing, and missed opportunity on a graphic photo. 
D) First photo was taken very well capturing the face of the concerned mom and the attention to detail is very good. 
E) I think this photographer does a really good job at capturing someones story, but the catch is that he's good at catching the bad moments. Almost all of his photos were of a sad or horrific incident. He also uses many different angles to give the viewer a new perspective of the photo. 

Winning Portfolio:
A) The judges kept saying that he did a good job at getting in the action and getting the best photo he could possibly get. They also kept saying that his photos were very cool with all of the different elements he included in the photos. 
B) His strength is definitely taking sports photos. He does a really good at capturing crazy moment in complete focus and getting emotion. 

Contest Recap: 
A)When picking a winner the judges have to decide which portfolios had way to many pointless or boring photos. They also take into consideration how good the story photos are. The judges also want to see some diversity in your photos, they don't want to see the same thing over and over again. When picking a winner the judges want to see a complete portfolio with eye grabbing photos with nothing wrong with the photos. Basically you can't have any bad photos, if you have a bad photo you will not win the contest. 

Part Two:

1. I agree with the first photo that it is cool but boring. The angle of the photo is very different but there was nothing else to the photo. To me it was almost like there was to parent subject since I was just looking at the side of the car.
2. I disagree with the judges on a sunset picture of a race track. In my opinion the contrast of the different colors gives the photo some life as the sun in going down. I also liked how the race track was off centered and how the road of the track led you to see more depth of the photo. 


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