Sensory Overload

1. I disagree with this statement because when you go to a community and you see the kind of environment someone lives in. People can live in a big beautiful home or people can live in a little hut in the middle of nowhere. I think photography of environments just shows the viewer what different kinds of people live in.
2. Yes I did want to go to these places just to take pictures.
3. I think it would be very hard for them because all that kids want to do is go play and have fun. In a working environment they can't do that because they are forced to work on the talk that is put in front of them.
4. My favorite photo is one of me and all of my cousins with my great grandmother. We were all at my aunts wedding and all of us gathered around my great grandmother to take a picture during the reception. It was the only picture of all of us in the same place with her before she passed away.


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